The land legal personality of enterprises with foreigh investment.
enterprises with foreign investments, joint venture, foreign enterprise, a land legal personality, land ownership rightAbstract
Enterprises with foreign investment realize their rights and responsibilities in the field of land relations due to their having a land legal personality, which is an opportunity and ability of a person to act as a subject of such legal relations. At the same time, a number of aspects related to the implementation of the land legal personality of such enterprises have not received a systemic legislative solution, which is one of the main reasons that constrains foreign investors from establishing new enterprises or gaining participation in functioning enterprises in Ukraine.
At present, at the legislative level, the issues of acquiring ownership of land by enterprises created under the legislation of Ukraine, the founders or participants of which are only foreign investors remain unresolved, the terminology used in the Land Code of Ukraine and other legislative acts, in particular, the Commercial Code of Ukraine, Law On the Regime of Foreign Investments, for the designation of economic organizations, the founders (participants) which is a foreign investor (investors), does not specify the procedure for approval of the sale of land to such entities. As a result, there is ambiguous application of the relevant norms and the need for the interested parties to appeal to the judicial authorities to protect their rights.
The Land Code of Ukraine does not use the term «enterprises with foreign investments», but only regulates the grounds and conditions for acquiring land rights by joint ventures, while fully equating their land legal personality with the legal personality of a foreign legal entity, that is, a person established by the legislation of a foreign state (part 3 of Article 82 of the Land Code of Ukraine).
Taking into account the aforementioned, the peculiarities of the land legal personality of enterprises with foreign investments were identified, as well as the necessity of additional regulation regarding the harmonization of the relevant terminology used in the Land Code of Ukraine and other legislative acts. At the same time, subjects of land legal relations are proposed to include both joint ventures and foreign enterprises, which by their features are types of enterprises with foreign investments. In addition, proposals have been developed to specify the relevant provisions of the Land Code of Ukraine for the implementation of land legal personality by such enterprises.
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