The classification of the economic-legal responsibility.
ответственность, санкции, классификация, виды, формы, поведение, законодательствоAbstract
The article considers the problem of the classification of the economic-legal responsibility, that is relevant and perspective for further research. Today, the Ukrainian legislation does not contain a precise classification of the economic-legal responsibility, an exhaustive list of species. The Economic code of Ukraine provides the only kinds of sanctions, that are applied in the field of economic activity to the law offenders. At the same time, the question about the kinds of such responsibility is closely connected with the problem of legal regulation.
The investigated problem refers to the number of problems of economic law and problems of development of the legislation of Ukraine. Its studying is of important scientific and practical importance. The diversity and specificity of legal relations, that arise in the field of economic law, determines the need for exist and clear distinction of the different kinds of the economic-legal responsibility of its participants for offenses in this field.
The economic-legal responsibility can be classified according to different criterias (depending on the field of the economic activity of the participants of economic relationship; of the direct orientation; of the bases of occurrence; of the sanctions, that apply to offenders; of the order and period of realization).
In article, problematic questions of classification of the economic-legal responsibility, that necessary for the effective formation of lawful behavior of participants in economic relations, are investigated on the basis of analysis of the legal doctrines, existing approaches and studying the legislation. Was considered the different approaches to the differentiation (to the separation into component kinds depending on certain criterias of such division) of the economic-legal responsibility. As a result of research, were formed the variants of classification of the economic-legal responsibility. Was substantiated the necessity of legislative consolidation of classification of such responsibility.
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