Prevention of delinquency at the intellectual property sphere.
prevention, delinquency, rights of intellectual property, the defense of rights of intellectual property, reasons of delinquenciesAbstract
At the article it is payed attention to the increasing of delinquency quantity at the intellectual property sphere and stressed into the necessity of amplification of prevention such delinquency.
It is analyzed approaches according to the content of delinquency prevention at the economic, administrative and criminal law. It is proved that the state should treat effective means and ways of influence on delinquent for defense of rights of intellectual property, improve the law mechanism of defense of rights and interests in the intellectual law sphere. It is determined that the regulations about preventive measures according to the delinquencies are absent at the national special legislation at the intellectual property sphere. It is determined that the aim of prevention consists in notification and removing of reasons and conditions of delinquency, which form the content of prevention, detection of persons, which are inclined to commit a delinquency, and application of measures for their correction. It is investigated the reasons and conditions of delinquency, their classification and difference. It is bounded the concepts «prevention» and «notification» of delinquency, and also it is proved that prevention is an independent mean of law enforcement. It is concretized that prevention of delinquency at the intellectual property sphere can be determined as state realization of economical, political, ideological, educational, law and other measures according to the detection and removing the reasons of delict of the intellectual property and also the detection of persons, who inclined to commit such delinquency. It is suggested the main organizational, law and educational measures according to the detection and removing reasons of delict at the intellectual property sphere. It is determined the main problems, which need solution according to the delinquency prevention at the intellectual property sphere.
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