Realization of the principle of supremacy of law at application of methods of protection of rights and interests.


  • I. Koval Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса



principle of supremacy of law, methods of protection of rights and interests, effectiveness of the method of protection, legal nature of the right or interest, violated right


Ensuring effective protection of the rights and interests of participants in public relations is one of the most important tasks of the state in the context of the real implementation of the principle of supremacy of law. The effectiveness of the protection of rights and interests depends on many factors, the main among which is the election of an effective remedy.

The changes in national legislation that establish a fundamentally new approach to the choice of protection methods are analyzed, since they give the right of the plaintiff and the court to determine the way of protection, which is not expressly provided for by law, but does not contradict it.

The main sign of such a non-named method of protection is its effectiveness. The purpose of the study is to clarify the rule of election and the criteria for the effectiveness of protecting methods of rights in terms of the implementation of the principle of supremacy of law.

It has been established that the rules of definition of the method of protection should take into account, on the one hand, the interests of the injured subject in the fullest, effective, real protection of his violated, unrecognized, disputed rights and interests, and on the other hand, the need to observe the rights of others regarding legality, predictability, proportionality of the measures of state-enforcement influence applied to them.

It is concluded that in determining the rules for the election of methods of protecting rights and interests, it is advisable to provide that the protection of the violated rights and interests of the person who applied to the court may also be exercised by the court in another way that does not contradict the law and ensures the restoration of the violated right, and in case of impossibility of such updating – guarantees the person the possibility to receive the appropriate compensation.

It is also proposed that, in order to ensure the proper exercise of the right to choose a method of protection not provided for by law and treaty, the relevant legal rules should establish general criteria for the effectiveness of the method of protection, in particular: the method of protection must correspond to the legal nature and content of the right or interest, which be violated, the nature of the actions that they are violated, the consequences caused by the violation, the purpose that the plaintiff wishes to achieve, and take into account the possibility of enforcement of the remedy.

Author Biography

I. Koval, Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса

в. о. декана юридичного факультету, доктор юридичних наук, доцент


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