Military and political integration of the countries in the European security architecture in the second half of the XX – beginning of the XXI centuries.


  • O. Turchenko Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса



security, integration, military and political integration, cooperation, neutrality


The Article examines the military and political integration of states in the European security architecture in the second half of the XX – beginning of the XXI centuries and analyzes the historical experience of the countries of the Europe in the security space issues. Features of participation in military-political integration in the European security architecture of countries that have implemented and are implementing alternative approaches to ensuring national security are highlighted. The positions of the following countries are reviewed: Great Britain and France, which have gone from an autonomous position to a "flagship" position in European military-political integration; the countries of Northern Europe, which pursued a course in military policy towards non-alignment with the international bloc policy, ensuring neutrality and proposed projects for the creation of an autonomous northern European defense; Austria, which is actively involved in European military-political integration, although it is based on the principles of neutrality.

Particular attention is paid to the close relationship between the military and political rapprochement with the processes of the economic, technological and political integration in the Western European region.

It is proved that despite the fact that these countries are part of in-depth European political, military and economic integration processes, their common security policy is aimed at protecting their own national interests.

In particular, Great Britain demonstrates continuity in national security policy in terms of responding to major threats, builds its security on the traditional Atlanticism principles, has a strong position in NATO, cooperates and intends to continue to cooperate with NATO allies, European neighboring countries and EU structures. This should contribute to ensuring security and stability on the European continent. Great Britain is a country without which further European integration in the field of defense will be unproductive.

France has also changed its independent and autonomous position, the tactics of "balancing" between the interests of the USSR and the USA in the bipolar world order, to use NATO's well-functioning security mechanisms with the parallel intensified development of the European collective security system, including with the possible involvement of European states (non-members of NATO and the EU).

The policy of neutrality, which is held by Denmark and Norway on the eve of World War II, has given way to the course for NATO membership.

Finland remains in a position of neutrality. Sweden is trying to consistently adhere to a non-aligned policy. Finland and Austria present their neutrality relatively freely, while Sweden adheres to the strict principles of neutrality.

Author Biography

O. Turchenko, Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса

завідувач кафедри конституційного, міжнародного і  кримінального права, канд. юрид. наук, доцент


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