. On the legal basis of the functioning of the National police of Ukraine.


  • O. P. Pysmenna Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса




National police, subdivisions, disciplinary responsibility, policeman, principles, work with personnel


The article analyzed the legal basis of the National Police of Ukraine. The main direction in improving the work of the police, as one of the main law enforcement agencies, is the legislative regulation of the legal basis for the activities of the police. The normative legal acts regulating the work of the National Police in general and its structural subdivisions was investigated. The legislative and legal framework in politics is analyzed. It was noted that the regulations governing the activities of the interregional territorial departments, although adopted, were not made public. The author presented ways to solve this problem. It has been determined that the National Police is the central executive body, on the basis of which there is a need for harmonization of the legal norm of the Law on Police, which regulates the appointment of the Head of Police to the post, with the norm governing the appointment of the head of the central executive authority. The opinions of scientists about the possibility of creating the Police Code of Ukraine was analyzed and author has significant disadvantages of adopting such a document. The peculiarities of disciplinary liability of policemen and disciplinary misconduct of policemen as the main reason for bringing them to justice was investigated. It is noted that there is no exhaustive list of disciplinary offenses, which is contrary to the Constitution of Ukraine. The issue of organization of staffing of the National Police of Ukraine at the present stage of its reform has been researched, the importance of personnel work is highlighted and the key subject for personnel work in the police authorities has been identified. It has been established that there is a gap in the legislation on the regulation of personnel work, in connection with which ways have been proposed to overcome this gap. The author attaches great importance to the principles of the activities of the police, since the principles are a key aspect in providing the police with the rights and freedoms of man and citizen. The positions of scholars on the possibility of expanding the content of some principles and introducing new principles in the activities of the police based on the analysis of the legislation of foreign countries was presented.

Author Biography

O. P. Pysmenna, Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса

доцент кафедри теорії та історії держави і права та адміністративного права, канд. юрид. наук, доцент


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