Features of Contractual Regulation of Multimodal Carriage of Goods.
contract of carriage, multimodal carriage of goods, cargo transportation, transport legislation, transport, carrier, organization agreement, transshipment agreementAbstract
In the article the features of contractual regulation of multimodal carriage of goods are investigated, the directions for improvement of relevant transport legislation are determined. Based on the analysis of the legislation of Ukraine, national and foreign scientific sources, suggestions on the regulation of the legal status of participants in such transportation, in particular the operator of multimodal transportation, are substantiated.
Investigating the topical issues of organizing and carrying out freight transportation in multimodal carriage of goods, the author considers the issue of expediency of a common legal regulation of transport organizational contracts for various types of transport, extension of the types of such contracts by new contractual constructions, in particular, the contract on the organization of multimodal transportation of goods.
It is proposed to consolidate at the level of legislation the peculiarities of the forming the contracts on multimodal transportation of goods, in particular in the form of a single electronic transport document confirming the formation of such contracts.
The article deals with a certain specificity of the contract for the multimodal carriage of goods. It is noted that such an agreement is entered into by the consignor with the carrier, which is the first transport organization that accepts the cargo for carriage. Such a contract has a special content, in particular on the term of delivery of cargo, which increases for the time necessary for the passage of the goods transported from one mode of transport to another; ensuring the safety of the cargo, taking into account that this duty is distributed among all transport organizations involved in the process of transportation; on payment of all payments due by transport organizations. The responsibility of transport organizations involved in cargo transportation is particularly carefully regulated. The scope of responsibility of the consignor is also increasing, in particular due to additional liability for violations of the legislation, which are applied to the registration of transport documents and loading of goods in vehicles, which caused negative consequences in connection with the multimodal transportation of goods
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