About the cost of lost, damaged or destroyed property as a losses due to economic activity.
losses due to economic activity, compensation for losses due to economic activity, composition of losses, value of lost property, value of damaged property, value of destroyed propertyAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the first component of losses due to economic activity – the cost of lost, damaged or destroyed property, determined in accordance with the requirements of the legislation.
It conducts research on peculiar features of the compensation of the value of lost, damaged or destroyed property that are due to economic activity. It is noted that the investigated component of losses relates precisely to the value of property of economic and production purpose, in the sense that it has in this sphere. Attention is drawn to the difference between the concepts of "lost property", "destroyed property", "damaged property" and different definitions of this components of damages in art. 224 and 225 of the Commercial Code of Ukraine.
Underpinned by analysis of legislation and practice, the article concludes that in economic sphere in case of property damage, it may be restored, or its restoration and subsequent use for the intended purpose is impossible. Also it is stated that property condition after the damage should be one of the criteria for calculating the amount of losses for compensation, but this argument is not currently taken into account in the legislation. It substantiates that qualifying the value of damaged property as losses may be acceptable only if quality of damaged property has changed to such an extent that it can not be used for its original purpose. In all other cases, it should be a question of compensation for the damage recovery costs, since the recovery of the damaged property value will result in the creditor’s obtaining of unreasonable income.
Based on the conducted analysis, a clarification of the composition of losses is proposed.
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