Functional effectiveness of legal regulation mechanism of economic relations.


  • I. V. Stadnik Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса



legal regulation mechanism of economic relations, functions of legal regulation mechanism of economic relations, ideological function, integrative function, modeling function, transformation function


The article is devoted to the analysis of the concept and types of functions of the mechanism of legal regulation of economic relations, ensuring its effectiveness. It is determinate the concept of functions of legal regulation mechanism of economic relations as the main directions of its influence on the sphere of management, expressing its essence and purpose in society, as well as the relationship with the economic system and the economy as a whole.

It is analyzed the features of legal regulation mechanism of economic relations in the implementation of social and legal functions of law, in particular regulatory, protective, economic and political. The position that functions of the right predetermine effective influence of legal regulation mechanism of economic relations on social reality as find the expression and concretization in specific functions of the last is defended.

It is proved that the mechanism of legal regulation of economic relations performs a number of special functions, including ideological (the conductor of the state will, the carrier of information about the possible and / or proper behavior of business entities), integrative (a means of ensuring the integrity and harmonious balance of the economic system), modeling (algorithm of actions of business entities), translation (channel of formation of legal behavior of business entities), transformation (transformation of the economic sphere and achievement of progressive changes in the structure of management). The content of each of these functions, their interconnection and interdependence characterize.

It is recognized that there is a certain hierarchy of functions, where the functions of each element contribute to the implementation of the functions of legal regulation mechanism of economic relations, which, in turn, act as a means of implementing the functions of law and the state in the economy.

Author Biography

I. V. Stadnik, Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса

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