Imitation clinic as a means of formation of competencies of students of legal specialties.
legal education, clinical education, higher education institution, interactive teaching methods, imitation legal clinic, consultations, regulations on legal clinicAbstract
The article is devoted to the characteristic of the activity of legal clinics in Ukraine as a means of forming the competence of students of legal specialties.
On the basis of the achievements of domestic and foreign scientists analyzed the General principles of legal clinical education and the latest approaches to its further development, as well as the experience of the imitation legal clinic of commercial law of the Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University, where the relevant educational work was carried out.
The aim of the study is to provide characteristics of the organization of legal clinical education, including commercial law direction, and the rationale for ways to improve its regulatory framework and practical application.
The article deals with the main existing approaches to the classification of legal clinics in legal science. The normative legal means of organization and activity of legal clinics in Ukraine are analyzed.
The latest trends of foreign experience of legal clinical education in the context of the research topic are investigated.
According to the results of the research and experience of the imitation legal clinic of commercial law of the faculty of law of Vasyl’ Stus DonNU, the expediency of the development of such a direction of legal clinical education as an imitation legal clinic of commercial law is justified. Some proposals to improve the regulatory framework of legal clinical education are substantiated.
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