Criteria for private and public interests in regulatory activity.


  • Gulnara Dzhumageldiyeva Житомирський державний технологічний університет



regulatory act, interest, balance of interests, criteria for interests, Global goals, sustainable development


In the article are analysed criteria for private and public interests are used in regulatory policy in economic activity in Ukraine. Author reveals discrepancy between the criteria and the principles of equal protection and fair competition.

It is argued the criteriahave not reflected essence of public and private interests therefore its using in regulatory policy in Ukraine leads to deformation of interest balance legal model.

Author proposes target approach for defining criteria for public and private interests. It is grounded on goals for economic reforms in Ukraine. The goals can provide to resolve conflict between public and private interests. In the article are given reasons for applying Sustainable Development Goals and adapted to it National Sustainable Development Goals as a reference point for defining criteria for public and private interests.

In the article is shown that overwhelming majority of economic and legal institutes can be covered by the goals. The goal “End property” can make efficient of legislation on housing services, common services, licenses, intellectual property, using of natural resources etc. The goal can be used in combination with other goal – “End hunger, promote sustainable agriculture” for improvement of laws on agriculture, requirements for quality and safety, price formation, trade, public procurement, innovation activity including selection, small business, business integration, competition. Integration between goal “End property” and goal “Healthy lives and well-being” gives possibility to create goal framework for rational renovation of legislation about medicine, insurance, alcohol and tobacco products. In conjunction with goal “Quality education” it can provide targeted development of legislation about scientific activity, industrial and innovative parks.

Points of public interest in framework goal “End proverty” have been described in National goals sustainable development. They are increasing of household’s incomes and efficiency of individual support. So next stage is defining stimulus for business according it’s interest because providing coordinated movement to achievement total goal.

Author Biography

Gulnara Dzhumageldiyeva, Житомирський державний технологічний університет

професор кафедри права та правоохоронної діяльності, д-р юрид. наук, ст. науковий співробітник


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Цілі сталого розвитку: Україна: Національна доповідь 2017. Київ: Міністерство економічного розвитку і торгівлі України. 2017. 174 с.



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