he right to peaceful assembly in the system of constitutional rights and freedoms of people and citizens.


  • A. G. Zagorodnyuk Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса




constitutional rights and freedoms, citizens’ political rights, personal human rights, assembly, meeting, marches, demonstrations, peaceful assembly


The right of citizens to meet peacefully and to hold meetings, rallies, marches and demonstrations is prescribed by Art. 39 of the Constitution of Ukraine. Participation in such public activities could be regarded as a form of direct and independent expression of the people’s will, as well as the reaction of a society to the actions of the state. In order to prevent a conflict between the society and state, as well as disunity between them, the state should not ignore above-mentioned people’s activities. The specified right belongs to the subjective person’ srights, the principal purpose of which is to influence the state bodies for solving the most important society-state issues by coordinating and forming the citizens’ opinion and the way of its expression, as well as an element of democracy, a mode of participation in the management of state and local affairs. At the same time, it should be noted that such meetings may not always have the nature of political events, and the mentioned right is not always the political one.

The vast majority of specialists in the field of law, in particular, the constitutional law, regards the aforementioned right as a type of citizens’ political rights that belong exclusively to Ukrainian citizens who have reached 18 years of age and have acquired full legal personality (with some exceptions concerning the right to association in public (non-political) organizations and the right to individual and collective appeals), and express the content of legal relationship between the individual and the state.

However, not all scientists agree with the fact that mentioned right belongs exclusively to citizens of a certain state.

The right to peaceful assembly is one of the inalienable, inherent rights in a democratic world. It should be noted that resembling rules are accommodated in the acts of international law, as the part of national legislation, in particular, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Furthermore, the international documents establish it as the right of any person, not only the citizen’s one. This right is an inalienable one of every person that is provided for both foreigners and stateless persons, hence the subject matter should be considered not as political rights of citizens, but as civil rights of people. Therefore, the appropriate amendments should be made to the current legislation of Ukraine and, primarily, to the Constitution of Ukraine.

Author Biography

A. G. Zagorodnyuk, Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса



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Права людини, держава, суспільство