Principles of economic activity on the inland waterway transport.
inland waterway transport, economic activity on inland waterway transport, principlesAbstract
In this article, the author gives a definition of the concept of the principles of economic activity on inland waterway transport. It is noted, that the principles of economic activity on inland waterway transport originate from the principles of economic law. Under the principles of economic activity on inland waterway transport the author implies the fundamental guiding principles, reflected in the regulations, that provide a unified understanding of law, relating to the regulation of economic activity on inland waterway transport during the enforcement, realisation of law and during the rulemaking.
The article also gives a division of the principles of economic activity on inland waterway transport. Using scientific positions, provisions of the current legislative acts and draft laws, the author formed the system of principles of economic activity on inland waterway transport. The principles on economuc activity on inland waterway transport are: 1) balance of interests; 2) equality of rights; 3) the distinction between administrative, economic functions and functions of state supervision and control; 4) reservation of strategic objects of infrastructure in state property; 5) security of inland waterways; 6) environmental protection, compliance with the requirements for use and protection of water objects; 7) planning; 8) social orientation.
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