Legal characteristics of agricultural receipts.


  • Yu. Pavlyuchenko Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса
  • B. Kravchuk Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса



agrarian receipts, trade agrarian receipts, finance agrarian receipts, commodity distribution document, creditor, debtor, future harvest


The article is devoted to the analysis of agrarian receipts as a convenient tool for raising funds, goods, works or services to meet the current needs of agricultural producers. The novelty of this tool, in the absence of information support, generates a lot of fear among potential users of agricultural receipts. Therefore, it is important to carry out legal characteristics of agricultural receipts.

The study is based on an analysis of the provisions of the current legislation and current practice of its application and is focused on disclosure of key legal aspects and features of agricultural receipts as securities, their types. Attention is also paid to the analysis of the parties and the content of relations arising based onagrarian receipts. The scope of application, the impact of agrarian receipts on the agricultural market and the ability to ensure the fulfillment of obligations are analyzed.

Based on the analysis of the existing practice of applying the Law, it is concluded that its norms provide for the simplicity in issuing agrarian receipts, do not set strict requirements for the presentation of the agrarian receipt, and introduce clear mechanisms for the voluntary or forced execution of agricultural receipts, thereby minimizing the possibility of disputable situations or threats of non-fulfillment obligations on them.

Based on the study, the main features of agrarian receipts that are constituent components of the legal characteristics of these securities are formulated and summarized. In particular, agrarian receipts relate to commodity-dealing securities, exist in documentary form; a debtor on an agricultural receipt is an agricultural producer, a creditor is a business entity that transfers money, goods, renders services or performs work required by the debtor; agricultural receipts certify an unconditional obligation to deliver goods or return funds; are designed for use in crop production; establish a pledge for future harvest; have a turnover and influence the movement, pricing and quality of products in the agricultural market; have a simple procedure for registration and registration, a clear mechanism for voluntary or compulsory fulfillment of obligations thereon.

Author Biographies

Yu. Pavlyuchenko, Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса

доцент кафедри господарського права, канд. юрид. наук, доцент

B. Kravchuk, Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса

студент юридичного факультету


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