Regarding the Implementation of Sustainable («Green») Procurement: foreign experience.
стійкі «зелені» закупівлі, сталий розвиток, вартість життєвого циклуAbstract
The sustainable development idea is the idea of balanced social development and the capacity of nature. Economic and social development and environmental protection are the interdependent and complementary components of sustainable development. Accordingly, there is a need for development of the environmental business system that would facilitate the achievement of certain economic indicators in terms of providing the environmental safety. As the analysis of recent research and publications confirms, the current environmental legal doctrine is characterized by the absence of established and generally accepted scientific approaches for determining the legal nature of environmental rights in general, and the environmental entrepreneurship, in particular. In addition, there is a lack of systematic scientific research on implementing sustainable «green» procurement. It is proved in the article that the introduction of the sustainable («green») procurement system will provide the achievement of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, intended to protect the environment, promote sustainable development and ensure the most effective use of state and local budgets simultaneously. It is argued that the implementation of sustainable procurement process should be based on such objectives as detection of the main opportunities and obstacles for improvement of environmental indicators, including the implementation of resources and energy efficient technologies, business practices; promotion of public-private dialogue and business-to-business dialogue at national and international levels concerning the benefits of sustainable production, in particular the growing importance of environmental markets. The directions of reforming the public procurement system are pointed out: determination of the criteria of state order formation for environmental products, including natural and cost indicators, and improvement of the competitive selection procedure for the state order executors and determination of their rights, duties and responsibility; giving the priority in the evaluation of proposals for the implementation of sustainable («green») procurement to life cycle assessment.References
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