The concept, system and classification of covert investigators (detective) actions.
слідчі (розшукові) дії, негласні слідчі (розшукові) дії, класифікація, системаAbstract
The aim of this work is to obtain theoretical results, which shall contain provisions, which will allow in the science of criminal process to define the concept, system and classification covert investigators (detective) actions. The paper examines the concept, the legal nature and classification of these activities, its legal regulation, the ratio of the proceedings, in accordance with international legal acts in the field of criminal justice and protection of human rights. Attention is drawn to the discussion of the situation regarding concepts, entity and the ratio of investigative and legal proceedings. It is also noted that for the definition of the concept of «investigative action» it is necessary to emphasize the basic attributes, reflecting the nature of the institution of investigative actions, which distinguish it from other procedural and reprocessing activities of the investigator and collectively ensure clarity of concepts. The concept of «investigative activities».
Classification of the investigative actions on different grounds, but on the basis of formulated in the definition of investigative actions and their systems, the proposed distribution of those activities, taking account of the peculiarities of the procedural form.Proposals of theoretical and practical nature concerning the reforming of normative regulation of the production secret investigators (detective) actions. This conclusion has a starting character and for the full theoretical interpretation of this category requires further research.
Highlights and other problematic aspects arising from the manufacture of investigatory action. It offers a number of changes and amendments to the existing code of criminal procedure.
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